A young father

Health class movies ,like the lifetime movie poster above, have captured the fears of many kids that attended high school in the midst of "Y2k" and other various events of yesteryear that let us know we're getting old. This move came out in 2002 and had its leading roles filled by unknown actors and actresses at the time but this movie reaches students across the country more so because it depicted it from a "suburban" point of view rather than the cliche Africans in America held down by systematic racism.
The movie showed the progression of two high school sweethearts turned teen parents before they graduated. The choices the characters had to make when their friends were going out after prom and they had to care for their child.
Seeing this as an adult now shows me that this scenario plays out in so many different cultures and backgrounds the same with different outcomes. Why? It's 70% race 30% socioeconomic standing and fact being that the lack of preparation for parenthood and experience to work will keep you down if you don't adapt and learn very quickly.
Even though the odds are stacked highly against teen parents they make it out unscathed and kids are well adjusted , in most cases. Degrees of higher education are obtained and they enjoy the same quality of life as those who waited to have kids , with one advantage. When the friends that waited to have kids are 40 with a teenager you are living the high life cause your kids are grown and your wise enough to know what to do with your free time in your older age.

Emanon thoughts..

The thought that ones mundane everyday happenings are all going to be a distant memory soon is more than encouraging, it's a breath of fresh air. A formidable source of energy that fuels your fervency and zeal to reach your intended goal, leaving your present situation to its own devices. Your job , hustle , part time or full time is only getting you by while you work on your real purpose behind the scenes. Your dreams matter. Wait to long to pursue your dreams and they will elude you.

The human processĀ 

Empty words fill our bellies while words of substance line our trash cans, all while we wait for benevolence to transcend. Racing through life trying to make our ends before the end. Watching light bend around time as a ribbon to a pole, patience will wait to see what beauty is to be told, as anxiety will be untangled as the future unfolds. One can do all but make clear the confusion and delusion brought all on by fear. This exstinguishes hope as depression comes near, and sadness its companion since it’s the beginning of tears. Spanning the length of a circle learning from mistakes ones mood can return to a smirk to.

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